Monday, October 30, 2006

it's gonna be a long week....

Pronunciation: pr&-'kras-t&-"nAt, prO-
transitive verb : to put off intentionally and habitually
intransitive verb : to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done
synonym see DELAY
- pro·cras·ti·na·tion /-"kras-t&-'nA-sh&n/ noun
- pro·cras·ti·na·tor /-'kras-t&-"nA-t&r/ noun

things i would rather be doing than making wreaths: 1. blogging 2. watching a movie 3. going to work (what??) 4. reading 5. going for a walk 6. downloading music 7. chatting on msn 8. rearranging my room 9. doing laundry 10. getting my teeth pulled out by a psycho chinese doctor (oh no.. too much alias!!)

Pronunciation: "mO-t&-'vA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : the act or process of motivating b : the condition of being motivated
2 : a motivating force, stimulus, or influence : INCENTIVE, DRIVE
- mo·ti·va·tion·al /-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective
- mo·ti·va·tion·al·ly adverb

why i should be making wreaths 1. need the money 2. wanting to travel 3. having a friend who's gonna be living in california 4. having a friend who lives in alberta 5. i don't have to work this week 6. sometimes it's fun 7. i don't have to think (zero stress) 8. christmas is coming 9. listening to good music (thanks george for "wreathin season shuffle 2006) 10. california here i come!!! (thanks jenny!)


Murray's Corner said...

kepp on wreath makin cuz you do need to visit! although cali would be a sweeter vacation then anywhere else! where abouts in cali???

Miranda said...

freakin LA man!! i'm gonna try to do both! wanna visit you too... she's only gonna be there for a couple months, so i gotta do that one first... but i'm still savin for AB! brad pitt... here i come!! :)

Anonymous said...

tell it to your friends